Dave Chappelle still thinks trans people are funny, Greta Thunberg not so much
[Published at the San Francisco Chronicle] Dave Chappelle kicked off his first weekend of the new year with a rare,...
cinephile, noun ~ cine·phile \ˈsi-nə-ˌfī(-ə)l\ a devotee of motion pictures
[Published at the San Francisco Chronicle] Dave Chappelle kicked off his first weekend of the new year with a rare,...
[Published at Film Inquiry] In 2018, Nicole Maines made history by being cast as Dreamer in CW’s Supergirl, the first transgender superhero...
[Published at Film Inquiry] T Cooper is an accoladed and best-selling novelist, screenwriter, and journalist. Cooper has authored seven novels, including the best-sellers The...
[Published at Film Inquiry] Heavyweight producer Trudie Styler’s (Moon, Still Alice, American Honey) directorial debut, Freak Show, is far from perfect, but Styler establishes tremendous promise, a...
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