The Visual & Thematic Motifs of Tim Burton – Part 2
[Published at Living Life Fearless] Continued from Part 1… Suspended Childhood Characters that never “grow up” end up showing us more...
cinephile, noun ~ cine·phile \ˈsi-nə-ˌfī(-ə)l\ a devotee of motion pictures
[Published at Living Life Fearless] Continued from Part 1… Suspended Childhood Characters that never “grow up” end up showing us more...
[Published at Living Life Fearless] Tim Burton was a gauche teenager who found solace in the creepy comfort of Vincent Price films, classic...
[Published at Slash Film] Edward Scissorhands is more than a gothic fairytale. It’s more than a suburban satire. It’s a complex...
There’s a reason why you may not have heard of filmmaker and novelist Sandi Tan until this year, upon the release of...
Before he came down here, it never snowed. And afterwards, it did. I don’t think it would be snowing now...
Every great director has at least one masterpiece. Every auteur has a distinct style entirely unique to their own imagination....
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