FATHER FIGURES: Drags On Despite An All-Star Cast
[Published at Film Inquiry] Who would have thought that a film starring such talented actors including Owen Wilson, Ed Helms, Glenn Close, J.K. Simmons, Harry...
cinephile, noun ~ cine·phile \ˈsi-nə-ˌfī(-ə)l\ a devotee of motion pictures
[Published at Film Inquiry] Who would have thought that a film starring such talented actors including Owen Wilson, Ed Helms, Glenn Close, J.K. Simmons, Harry...
[Published at Film Inquiry] There’s a name for that “charming” fog that famously hovers over San Francisco, seasonally. His name is...
[Published at Film Inquiry] Much like Richard Linklater’s Before Trilogy, there was never an overarching plan going into making The Trip; the trio...
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