The Berlinale 2017 Highlight Reel
This is a short film I made from covering my first film festival for a media outlet, the Berlin International...
cinephile, noun ~ cine·phile \ˈsi-nə-ˌfī(-ə)l\ a devotee of motion pictures
This is a short film I made from covering my first film festival for a media outlet, the Berlin International...
[Published at PopMatters.com] Terrence Malick was once considered the JD Salinger of cinema. After his debut, Badlands(1974), catapulted him into...
NEW YORK (February 7, 2017) – Awards Circuit announced today its winners for the 2016 Awards Circuit Community Awards. The awards...
Check out my Awards Circuit exclusive interview with Val Kilmer! http://www.awardscircuit.com/2017/02/08/exclusive-a-conversation-with-val-kilmer-the-cinema-twain-voyage/ Stay tuned for more awesome content!
On the night of December 22, 2016, inside the intimate setting of the historical Clay Theater in San Francisco, Val...
Every great director has at least one masterpiece. Every auteur has a distinct style entirely unique to their own imagination....
The career of Ben Affleck has evolved far greater than those of most other actors today; if one were to...
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