How David Gordon Green and Danny McBride’s ‘Halloween’ Resurrects the Heroine Within the Horror Genre
[Published at Living Life Fearless] Classic film remakes. One either loves or hates them. The two common sentiments seem to...
cinephile, noun ~ cine·phile \ˈsi-nə-ˌfī(-ə)l\ a devotee of motion pictures
[Published at Living Life Fearless] Classic film remakes. One either loves or hates them. The two common sentiments seem to...
[Published at Film Inquiry] Stronger is the first film backed by Nine Stories Productions, Jake Gyllenhaal’s new production company named after JD Salinger’s eponymous 1953...
[Published at Film Inquiry] Stronger is not a film about patriotism or American pride. It specifically avoids those themes to focus...
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