SHOT: A Gripping, Timely Pro Gun-Control Thriller
[Published at Film Inquiry] Shot tells the story of an expert sound mixer named Mark Newman (played ingeniously by Noah Wyle, also...
cinephile, noun ~ cine·phile \ˈsi-nə-ˌfī(-ə)l\ a devotee of motion pictures
[Published at Film Inquiry] Shot tells the story of an expert sound mixer named Mark Newman (played ingeniously by Noah Wyle, also...
[Published at Film Inquiry] Relatively unknown visual effects artist Michael Gracey makes an applaudable directorial debut with The Greatest Showman, a fictional musical...
[Published at Film Inquiry] It would be easy for one to think that Wonder may be a told centered solely from our...
[Published at Film Inquiry] With Pride & Prejudice, Atonement, Anna Karenina, and now Darkest Hour, director Joe Wright has established himself as a master of period...
[Published at Film Inquiry] Of all the subjects to center a film around, suicide is one of the more delicate...
[Published at Film Inquiry] In most mainstream media and film, there hasn’t been much gray area in the portrayal of...
[Published at Film Inquiry] In Fear Us Women, director David Darg immerses the viewer instantly at a YPJ outpost in Syria. We immediately...
[Published at Film Inquiry] Heal reintroduces a topic and area of medicine that’s been around for thousands of years, since the Buddha...
[Published at Film Inquiry] Director Zack Snyder (Watchmen) poured his heart and soul into the making of Justice League, and it shows in...
[Published at Film Inquiry] Mayhem is, first and foremost, an absolute blast from start to finish. Director Joe Lynch and screenwriter Matias Caruso team up to...
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