Evolution of Lupo
A short of my dog growing up.
cinephile, noun ~ cine·phile \ˈsi-nə-ˌfī(-ə)l\ a devotee of motion pictures
A short of my dog growing up.
A recut of my “Tourists” short with some new footage. It is my take of a “Portlandia”-esque intro to an...
A montage of a few characteristically SF things with unused shots from my “The City is My Jungle” short.
A journey through San Francisco as told from a tourist’s perspective.
An eclectic array of various shots of me and my dog Lupo doing various activities in scenic parts of San...
My family’s Thanksgiving, shot on location in Asti, California.
This short contains some sights of Fort Mason and The national cemetery of the Presidio of San Francisco.
Michael Shannon is one of the best actors working today. That is not an opinion. That is a fact. He...
Any film lover is lying if they say they are not equal parts astounded by, jealous of, and forever indebted...
Who is Steve Prefontaine to me? He is a hero, a role model, and equal parts living person and myth....
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